pondělí 23. října 2017

90. Malovaná čeština /Painted Czech -11/11 2017

Promoter: Šárka Cimburková – Teacher of Czech for Foreigners 
Czech with Pictures studio, Kroftova 6, 616 00 Brno

Special Saturday language workshop for foreigner kids, who are living in Czech republic and planning to register in April 2018 on Czech school. This workshop will prepare child for all topics, which they can meet at the school registration exam. We will also talk about Czech school, how it looks like there, what is waiting for your child… and of course we will play games, paint and speak Czech.

Saturday 11/11 2018


Price: 550,- CZK / person

The price includes paintig material, drinks and a lunch.
Instruction for payment:
Is necesery to pay in advance. You must log in to me as well as last time, I will send payment instructions by return.
If you are intrested in, contact me please at sarkacimburkova@gmail.com 

                                            The number of seats is limited, up to 6.

neděle 1. října 2017

86. I want to go to a Czech hairdresser and i need to speak Czech

Welcome to special course of Czech with Pictures studio. Once for a month I'm going to make an extra course for you, who wants to use Czech language just in daily situations.

First workshop is focused on visiting a hairdresser.
We are going to learn the vocabulary and basic phrases and try to use them in real situations.
BONUS: You will get a special book full of these phrases and vocabulary to take away.
So next time there won't be any problems in the hairstudio :)

For your registration please follow the link below:

The price is 520,- CZK for a person.

Like all of my lessons, also this workshop takes place in the Czech with Pictures studio on Kroftova 6, Brno 61600.

If you have any questions just write me and I will try to help you :)
I'm looking forward to see you there.

sobota 1. července 2017


Are you a foreigner in Czech Republic and your child (age 6-7)
will begin to attend a Czech school in September 2017?

Are you looking for an interesting summer activity that combines           
the  Czech language and painting for your child?
Do you want to prepare your child to Czech school at last moment?

If so, you may be  interested in this a long-week workshop for your son or daughter !

more information on: www.checktheczech.cz

Photo from the last year:

neděle 29. ledna 2017

60. Saturday workshop - Malovaná čeština / Painted Czech - January 2017

Zimní sporty - nejdřív jsme si povídali, potom jsme tvořili a nakonec soutěžili.
Winter sports - at first we were talking about, than we created and than we had competition.

sobota 21. ledna 2017

Artistic language workshop - January 2017

Are you a foreigner in Brno city and your child will attend a Primary School in September 2017?
Are you looking for an interesting activity that combines the Czech language and painting for your child?
If so, you may be interested in the Saturday workshop  for  your son or daughter!

more information: http://www.checktheczech.cz/courses